Sunday, September 30, 2007

Almost all your base cabinets belong to us!

Another really long weekend full of work, but all the base cabinets are in place and secured. We even were able to get some of the drawers and doors installed. Woohoo!

The stove and refrigerator are back from their vacations in the back yard and living room. They had a nice time, but are happy to be home.
No counter or sink yet :-( We really can't do a whole lot until those get done.
It this starting to actually look like a kitchen again or what..... don't answer that...
The glass doors don't look nearly so fancy surrounded by the rest of the cabinets. Oh well, we sacrificed design for functionality. My wife wanted a pullout pantry and utility cabinet more than the nice clean look of the glass front doors hanging by themselves.
The big empty boxes are for a pullout pantry and utility cabinet/broom closet.
A peek inside. The wife loves all the drawers and pullout sliding things all over the damn place. I'd probably be more enthusiastic if each and every one didn't have to be put together then installed.
I can say it's 200x nicer than our old 1970's cabinets. Every drawer and sliding door has that "soft close" feature where you just start pushing the drawer in and it closes by itself with absolutely no slaming.

We're finally on the downhill slope. After a bit more installing it will be time for the counter-top (which we are tiling ourselves... yikes) and back-splash (again with the do it ourself crap), but the end is in sight. I'm crossing my fingers that we can get it done in a few more weeks.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Top Heavy!

OMG! It's starting to look like an actual kitchen!

The line up...
How does a tape mesure work again?

That is so totally level! We celebrate by doing ladder ballet...

And we're off....

Dirty pictue of me screwing...

It's one small step for kitchenman...

The beauty of glass....

Storage space galore!!!

And the other end...

The glass doors look so good, I had to add another picture of them...

Whew! It feels wonderful to actually see progress. Of course there is a lot more to go, but it's another milestone in the project. Hopefully we'll be able to get most of the base cabinets in next weekend.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ohhh what a nice looking..... errr .... empty room.

Ok, we're ready for all the cabinets.... except... they have to be assembled before they can be installed.... pesky details...

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So our Ikea Kitchen order has come in... Holy Moley! There are a lot of boxes..

We had to go through it to make sure all the pieces were there (168 boxes - luckily all accounted for), so we spread it out a little, but it filled a full-size truck bed completely up over the top of the roof and hanging out the tailgate.
Bob the cat say "Meeeyow! That's a lot of crap to put together!"

The wife is excited, but all I can see is how much work this is going to take. I don't think I really understood how large of a project this was going to be until now.... Yikes!

Last bit of tiling...

The last little bit of tiling...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Going down and getting laid.....

Tile is going down! Labor day weekend and we have been laboring hard and heavy....

And it starts......

Guess who did most of the work....
Gettin' laid....
A different view....
They killed Kenny!!!

Just grouting left to do. We were planning on having the whole thing done over the three day weekend, but mixing the thinset turned out to be the biggest hurdle and time consumer. If we ever do this again we're getting an automatic mixer. I spent more time mixing up mortar than I did cutting and laying down the tile.